Java Programming
  • Java Programming

Java Programming

ট্যাক্স অন্তর্ভুক্ত নয়
5 আইটেম

Specific References

According to New Revised Syllabus w.e.f. 2012 PUNE, Maharashtra (INDIA)

Java Programming


Author : Vijay Patil

Book ID : 1445

ISBN : 978-93-5016-131-9

Edition : 2nd 2015

Solved Question Papers upto 2013 October

স্তকে আছে


1. Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming

1. Introduction

2. Concept of OOP

3. Structure of Procedure Oriented Programming

4. Structure of Object Oriented Programming

5. Difference between Procedural Programming and Objet Oriented Programming Language

6. Features of C++

7. Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming

8. Advantages of Object Oriented Programming

9. Applications of Object Oriented Programming

10. Why java is not 100% object oriented language?

2. Introduction to JAVA

1. Introduction

2. History of Java

3. The Byte Code

4. Java Development Kit (JDK)

5. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

6. Java Runtime Environment

7. Advantages of Java

8. Disadvantages of Java

3. Programming Concepts of Basic Java

1. Java Program Structure

2. Compilation and Execution of Java Program

3. Command Line Argument

4. Class Path Problem

5. Constants, Variables and Data types

6. Operators and Expressions

7. Type Conversion (Casting)

8. Operator Precedence in Java

9. Decision Making and Branching

10. Arrays

11. Array Class

4. Java Classes

1. Java Classes

2. Creating Objects

3. Differentiate between Class and Object

4. Accessing Class Members

5. Types of Classes in Java

6. Constructor

7. Constructor Overloading

8. Difference between Constructor and Methods

9. Methods Overloading

10. Nesting of Methods

11. Static

12. The this Keyword

13. Nested and Inner Classes

14. Garbage Collection

15. Wrapper Classes

16. Autoboxing and Unboxing

17. Enumerated Types

5. Inheritance

1. Inheritance: Extending a Class

2. Access Modifier

3. Abstract Class and Abstract Methods

4. Method Overriding

5. Differentiate Between Method Overloading and Method Overriding

6. Final Keyword

7. Super Keyword

8. Down Casting and Up Casting

9. Dynamic Method Dispatch 

6. Packages and Interfaces

1. Introduction

2. Problem with Multiple Inheritances

3. Java Interface

4. Implementing Interfaces

5. Accessing Interface Variables

6. Similarities between Classes and Interfaces

7. Differentiate between a Class and an Interface

8. Java Packages

9. Java API Packages

10. Using System Packages

11. Static Import

12. Package Visibility

13. Adapter Classes 

7. Exception Handling

1. Java-Managing Errors And Exceptions

2. Exceptions

3. Exception Handling Mechanism

4. Throws

5. Difference between throw and throws keyword

6. Finally Statement

7. Throwing User Defined Exception

8. Nested Try Statement  

8. Multithreading

1. Introduction

2. Java Multithreaded Programming

3. Java Thread

4. Main Thread

5. Creating Threads

6. Life Cycle of a Thread

7. Using Thread Methods

8. Thread Priority

9. Synchronization

10.Thread Scheduler  

9. Abstract Window Toolkit

1.  Abstract Window Toolkit

2.  Why Abstract Window Toolkit?

3.  Java.awt Package

4.  AWT Classes

5.  Components

6.  Container Class

7.  Layout Managers

8.  Event Handling

9.  Delegating the Event

10. Event Sources

11. Event Listeners

12. Event Classes

13. Event Listener Interfaces

14. Handling Mouse Events    

15. Handling Keyboard Events

16. Anonymous Inner Classes

10. Swing

1.  Introduction

2.  Java Foundation Classes

3.  JFC Technologies

4.  Features of Swing

5.  Difference between Swing and AWT

6.  Pros and Cons of Swing

7.  Swing Components

8.  Java Swing Packages

9.  Swing Basic Containers

10. Working with Swing

11. Applets

1.  Introduction of Java-Applet

2.  Types of Applets

3.  Differentiate between Applets and Application

4.  Creating an Executable Applet

5.  Steps involved in Developing and Testing in Applets

6.  Running the Applet using Appletviewer

7.  Adding Applet to the HTML file

8.  Applet Structure and Elements

9.  Applet Class

10. Applet Life Cycle

11. Applet Skeleton   

12. Applet Tag

13. Aligning the Display

14. Designing a Web Page

15. Common Methods used in Displaying the Output

16. Displaying Numerical Values

17. Getting Input from the  User

18. Update() method

19. Repaint() method

20. Status Window

21. getDocumentBase() and getCodeBase()

22. How to use an Audio Clip

23. Java – Graphics Programming

24. Using Control loops in Applets

25. Drawing Bar Charts

26. Line Graph

27. The Color Class

28. Using Fonts with Applets  

12. Java Utility Packages

1.  Hashing

2.  Vector

3.  Differentiate between Array and Vector

4.  Math Class

5.  Enumeration

6.  Iterator

7.  System

8.  Random

9.  String Class

10. StringBuffer Class  

13. Streams and File

1.  Introduction

2. Class

3.  Java Stream Classes

4.  Byte Streams Class

5.  Character Stream Class

6.  Difference between Byte Stream Classes and Character Stream Classes

7.  Differentiate between Input Stream class and Reader Class

8.  Differentiate between Output Stream Class and Writer Class

9.  File Streams

10. FileInputStream and  FileOutputStream

11. DataInputStream and DataOutputStream

12. BufferedReader and BufferedWriter Class

13. FileReader and FileWriter class

14. PrintWriter

15. Filter Streams

16. PushbackInputStream

17. Pipe Stream

18. RandomAccessFile

19. StreamTokenizer

20. File Operations

21. Serialization and Deserialization