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A Text book of
Author: H.R. Arvind
ISBN: 978-93-94022-59-1
1. Data Representation and Computer Arithmetic
1. Introduction
2. Decimal Number System
3. Binary Number System
3.1 Binary to Decimal Conversion
3.2 Decimal to Binary Conversion
4. Octal Number System
4.1 Decimal to Octal Conversion
4.2 Octal to Decimal Conversion
5. Hexa Decimal Number System
5.1 Decimal to Hex Conversion
5.2 Hex to Decimal Conversion
6. Inter-Conversion of One Code to Another
6.1 Octal to Binary Conversion
6.2 Binary to Octal Conversion
6.3 Hex to Binary Conversion
6.4 Binary to Hex Conversion
6.5 Hex to Octal and Octal to Hex Conversion
7. BCD Code
7.1 Binary to BCD Conversion
7.2 BCD to Binary Conversion
8. Weighted and Unweighted Codes
8.1 Gray Code
8.2 Excess-3 Code
9. Character Codes
9.1 ASCII Code
9.2 EBCDIC Code
9.3 Unicode
10. Concept of Parity Code
11. Signed and Unsigned Number
12. Binary Arithmetic
12.1 Binary Addition
12.2 Binary Subtraction
12.3 Binary Multiplication
12.4 Binary Division
2. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
1. Introduction
2. Concept of Positive and Negative Logic
3. Introduction to Gates
3.1 Basic Gates
3.2 Derived Gates
4. Boolean Algebra and Identities
4.1 Boolean Identities
4.2 Some Proofs
5. De - Morgan's Theorems
5.1 De - Morgan’s 1st Theorem
5.2 De - Morgan’s 2nd Theorem
6. Reduction of Logic Expression using Boolean Algebra
7. Deriving Boolean Expression from the given Circuit
8. Inter-conversion of Gates
8.1 Building All Basic Gates Using NAND Gates
8.2 Building All Basic Gates Using NOR Gates
9. Minterm, Maxterm and Karnaugh Maps
9.1 Min Term and Max Term
9.2 Karnaugh’s Map
3. Combinational Circuits
1. Introduction
1.1 Multiple Input, Multiple Output Combinational Circuits
1.2 Code Converter Design and Implementations
2. Arithmetic Circuits
2.1 Adders
2.2 Subtractor
2.3 Comparator
3. Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, ALU, Encoder and Decoder
3.1 Multiplexers
3.2 Demultiplexers
3.3 Encoder
3.4 Decoder
3.5 ALU
4. Sequential Circuits
1. Introduction
2. Terminologies Used
3. Latch
4. Flip-flops
4.1 RS Flip-flop (RS Latch)
4.2 D Flip-flop
4.3 JK Flip-flop
4.4 JK Master Slave Flip-flop
4.5 T Flip-flop
4.6 Conversion from One Type of Flip-flop to Another
4.7 Applications of Flip-flops
5. Counters
5.1 Terms related to Counters
5.2 Asynchronous Counter (Ripple Counter)
5.3 Modulus of a Counter
5.4 IC 7493 (4-bit Binary Counter)
5.5 Synchronous Counter
5.6 Pre-settable Counter
5.7 IC 7490 (Asynchronous Counter)
5.8 IC 7492
5.9 Synchronous Counter ICs
6. Shift Register
6.1 SISO Shift Register
6.2 SIPO Shift Register
6.3 PIPO Shift Register
6.4 PISO Shift Register
6.5 Ring Counter
6.6 Johnson Counter
5. CPU, Memory and I/O Organization
1. CPU
1.1 Block Diagram of the CPU
1.2 Functions of CPU
1.3 General Register Organization
1.4 Flags
1.5 Concept of RISC and CISC
1.6 Introduction to Hardwired and Micro-programmed CPU
2. Memory
2.1 Memory Organization
2.2 Memory System Overview
2.3 Memory Classification
3. Memory Hierarchy
3.1 Cache Memory
3.2 Internal Memory
3.3 External Memory (Secondary Memory)
3.4 Concept of Virtual Memory
4. Input / Output
4.1 Input / Output Organization
4.2 Types of I/O Data Transfer
4.3 Need of I/O Interfaces
4.4 Parallel and Serial Communication
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