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As per NEP Syllabus w.e.f. 2024-25
1. Problem Solving Aspects
1. Introduction
2. Problem Solving Using Computer
3. Algorithms
4. Flowchart
5. Pseudocode
6. Programming Languages as Tools
6.1 Low Level Languages
6.2 High Level Languages
6.3 Programming Paradigms
7. Converting pseudocode to Program
8. The Compilation Process
9. Good Programming Practices
2. 'C' Fundamentals
1. Introduction
2. History of 'C'
3. Applications Areas
4. Structure of a 'C' Program
5. C Program Development Life Cycle
6. Functions as Building Blocks
7. 'C' Tokens
8. The 'C' Character Set
9. Keywords
10. Identifiers
11. Constants
11.1 Integer Constant
11.2 Floating Point Constant
11.3 Character Constant
11.4 String Literals
11.5 Enumeration Constant
12. Data Types
12.1 Standard or built-in types
12.2 User Defined Types
13. Variables
14. Operators and Expressions
14.1 Types of Operators
14.2 Arithmetic Operators
14.3 Relational Operators
14.4 Logical Operators
14.5 Increment and Decrement Operators
14.6 Bitwise Operators
14.7 Assignment Operator
14.8 Conditional Operator
14.9 Comma Operator
14.10 sizeof Operator
14.11 Typecast Operator
14.12 Other Operators
14.13 Precedence and Associativity of Operators
15. Input and Output
15.1 Character Input and Output
15.2 Character Test and Conversion Functions
15.3 String Input and Output
15.4 Formatted Output (printf)
15.5 Formatted Input(scanf)
16. Sample Programs
3. Control Structures
1. Introduction
2. Decision Making Structures
2.1 'if' statement
2.2 'if –else' statement
2.3 Nested 'if …else' statements
2.4 The 'else – if' ladder
2.5 The switch Statement
2.6 Conditional Operator
3. Loop Control Structures
3.1 The 'while' loop
3.2 The 'do-while' loop
3.3 The 'for' loop
3.4 Nested Loops
4. Jump Statements
4.1 'break' and 'continue'
4.2 Unconditional Branching
4. Functions
1. Introduction
2. Concept of Function
2.1 Advantages of Functions
3. Library and User Defined Functions
3.1 Standard Library Functions
4. User Defined Functions
4.1 Function Declaration
4.2 Function Definition
4.3 The 'return' Statement
5. Calling a Function
6. Passing Parameters
6.1 Call by Value
6.2 Call by Reference
6.3 Difference between Call by Value and Call by Reference
7. Recursion
8. Scope of Variables
8.1 Types of Scopes
9. Storage Classes
5. Arrays
1. Introduction
2. Array Declaration
3. One–Dimensional Array
3.1 Initializing an Array
3.2 Accessing Array Elements
3.3 Assigning values to Array Elements
3.4 Limitations of Array
3.5 Examples using 1–D Arrays
4. Two-Dimensional Arrays
4.1 Initializing the Array
4.2 Memory Representation (Physical View)
4.3 Accepting and Displaying a Matrix
5. Multidimensional Arrays
6. Arrays and Functions
6.1 Passing the Array Element By Element
6.2 Passing the Whole Array to a Function
6.3 Sample Programs using 1-D and 2-D Arrays
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