Object Oriented Programming Using C++
  • Object Oriented Programming Using C++

Object Oriented Programming Using C++

ট্যাক্স অন্তর্ভুক্ত নয়
BI 1126A
9 আইটেম

Specific References

According to New Revised Syllabus w.e.f. 2009 PUNE, Maharashtra (INDIA)

Text Book of Object Oriented Programming using C++


Author : Poonam Ponde

Book ID : 1126A

স্তকে আছে


1. Object Oriented Concepts

1.1 What is object-oriented?

1.2 What is object-oriented development?

1.3 Object-oriented methodology

1.4 Overview of procedure-oriented programming

1.5 What is object-oriented programming?

1.6 Object oriented languages

2. Introduction to C++

2.1 A brief history of C and C++

2.2 Differences between C and C++

2.3 Features of C++

2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of C++

2.5 Applications of C++

2.6 Writing and executing a ‘C++’ program

2.7 Program structure and rules

2.8 Sample C++ program


2.10 Return type of main()

2.11 Namespace STD

2.12 Header file

2.13 Output statement (Cout)

2.14 Input statement (Cin)

3. Expressions

3.1 Introduction

3.2 C++ tokens

3.3 Data types

3.4 Declaration of variables

3.5 Initialization of variables

3.6 Reference variables

3.7 Operators

3.8 Type cast operator

3.9 Memory management operators

3.10 Expression

3.11 Statement

3.12 Symbolic constant

3.13 Type compatibility

4. Functions in C++

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Passing information – parameters

4.3 Default arguments

4.4 Constant arguments

4.5 Function overloading

4.6 Inline functions

4.7 Recursive functions

5. Classes and Objects

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Class

5.3 Member functions

5.4 Making an outside function inline

5.5 Nesting of member functions

5.6 Private member function

5.7 Arrays within a class

5.8 Memory allocation for objects

5.9 Arrays of objects

5.10 Objects as function arguments

5.11 Returning objects

5.12 Const member function

5.13 Static class members

5.14 Pointer to members

5.15 Local classes

5.16 Friend functions

5.17 Unions and classes

6. Constructor and Destructor

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Constructor

6.3 Multiple constructors in a class

6.4 Constructor with default argument

6.5 Dynamic initialization of objects

6.6 Const object

6.7 Destructor

7. Operator Overloading and Type Conversion

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Overloading unary operators

7.3 Overloading binary operators

7.4 Limitations of operator overloading

7.5 “This” pointer

7.6 Overloading << and >> Operators

7.7 Manipulation of string

7.8 Type conversion

8. Inheritance

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Single inheritance

8.3 Multiple inheritance

8.4 Multilevel inheritance

8.5 Hierarchical inheritance

8.6 Hybrid inheritance

8.7 Container classes

8.8 Virtual base classes

8.9 Constructors in derived classes

8.10 Destructors in derived classes

8.11 Nesting of classes

8.12 Pointers to derived classes

8.13 Virtual functions

8.14 Pure virtual functions

8.15 Abstract classes

9. The C++ I/O System Basics

9.1 Introduction

9.2 C++ stream

9.3 C++ stream classes

9.4 Unformatted I/O operations

9.5 Formatted I/O operations

9.6 Manipulators

10. Working with Files

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Creating a stream

10.3 Opening a file

10.4 Closing a file

10.5 Checking for failure with file commands

10.6 Detecting the End-of-File

10.7 File pointers and their manipulation

10.8 Reading / writing a character from a file

10.9 Write() and Read() Functions

10.10 Buffers and synchronization

10.11 Other functions

10.12 Random access file processing

10.13 Updating a File: Random Access

10.14 Command line arguments

11. Templates

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Generic functions

11.3 A function with two generic data types

11.4 Explicitly overloading a generic function

11.5 Overloading function templates

11.6 Using standard parameters with template functions

11.7 Generic functions restrictions

11.8 Applying generic function: Generic Sort

11.9 Generic classes

11.10 An example with two generic data types

11.11 Using non-type arguments with generic class

11.12 Using default arguments with template classes

11.13 Template parameters

11.14 Template specializations

11.15 The typename and export keywords

12. Exception Handling

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Exception mechanism

12.3 Using multiple catch statements

12.4 Catch-all exception handler

12.5 Nesting try-catch blocks

12.6 Exception specifications

12.7 Unexpected exception

12.8 Throwing an exception from handler

12.9 Uncaught exception

13. Standard Template Library

13.1 Introduction

13.2 The StL programming model

13.3 Containers

13.4 Algorithms

13.5 Iterators

13.6 Function objects

13.7 Allocators

13.8 Adaptors

14. Namespace

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Defining a namespace

14.3 The standard namespace

14.4 Nested namespace

14.5 Unnamed namespace

14.6 Namespace alias

15. New Style Casts and RTTI

15.1 Introduction

15.2 New-style casts

15.3 Static_cast

15.4 Dynamic_cast

15.5 Const_cast

15.6 Reinterpret_cast

15.7 Run-Time Type Information (RTTI)

15.8 A simple application of run-time type Id

15.9 Typeid can be applied to template classes


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