Dr. Raghunath B. Toche
Dr. Raghunath B. Toche
Research Profile: Research papers in referred journals 106; Paper presented in National & International conferences 60 ; Authored Books 14 ; Ph.D. Awarded students, 16; M.Phil Awarded students 05; Ph.D. working 04; M.Phil. working 02, H-index 14; Citation 622; API 1681.
Major /Minor Research Projects: CSIR-01; UGC Major- 2; UGC Minor-03; BCUD-03 ; Total outlay-Rs. 50 lacks Awards & Honours Received: Guest Scientist in Austria, Europe (1997-98); Prof. N. S. Narasimhan Endowment award for Best Research at College, (2012); Best Chemistry Teacher Award by Tata Chemicals (2011). Best Teacher Award of University of Pune, (2009); Best Teacher Award by Sarvgenic Vachnalay (SAVANA), Nashik, (2010); Shikshak Ratna Award by Maharshtra Rajya Patrakar Sangh, Nashik, (2012); Consistency award by Baha`I Academy, Pachgani for completing 550 projects on Human rights.
Extra -Curricular Activities: BOS member (2011-16); Chairman of M.Sc. Organic Chemistry, S.Y. B.Sc. SPPU Pune; Member of syllabus revision committee for S.Y. /T.Y. /M. Sc. (2013-15). Sign 12 functional MOU with different Academic institutes, Industries; Organized 40 different events e.g. workshops, seminar, Conferences, Avishkar competitions etc; Works as chairman on University committees; Referee for journals and Ph.D., M.Phil & Research papers; Editorial Board Member of many Chemistry journals.
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